How transport managers & fleet managers use DAKO Fleet

DAKO Fleet supports you in your day-to-day operations.

Stay legally compliant with ease

Transport managers are personally liable for compliance with strict legal requirements. DAKO Fleet gives you optimal overview and control – add a whole lot of security with little effort.

Transparent overview of all infringements

Uncomplicated readout, manually or automatically, provides the optimal data base. While detailed evaluations provide insights into driver infringements, the Tacho grade shows developing trends in the number of infringements. Instructions can be automatically created and documented in order to have evidence for inspections by the authorities.

Reduce your financial risk

The automatic fine calculation helps to assess financial risk. Evaluations like the risk rating give warning signs when a situation on the road becomes critical. Live remaining driving times make impending overruns visible and enable timely intervention. Missing important legal deadlines is now a thing of the past thanks to automatic reminders via deadline management.

Legally compliant documentation

DAKO Fleet archives all data on driving and rest times automatically and in accordance with legal deadlines. During inspections, important documents are immediately at hand, without lengthy searches through files. Reports provide detailed insights and can be compiled individually and sent automatically.

Optimal fleet management

Daily routine tasks rob fleet managers of a lot of time. Organisational skills are needed to ensure that nothing is left undone or forgotten, especially under constant time pressure. DAKO Fleet creates time for the essentials with its efficient processes.

Save time automatically

With automatic remote readout, unnecessary routes, stops for drivers and manual downloads are a thing of the past – readout at any time, with encrypted data transmission. Drivers can easily check their driving licences via RFID tag – whether at the TachoStation or on the go. Automatic deadline reminders and cost calculation help to organise daily tasks.

Replace paperwork with digital processes

Together with the DAKO drive app, our solution offers ready-made processes for a variety of routine tasks. Vehicle pre-checks can be conducted completely digitally, with automatic transmission of damage reports. Tasks completed during delivery stops can be documented via digital checklists. Messages between the driver and the control centre, including automatic translation, ensure documented, comprehensible communication without misunderstandings.

All your vehicles at a glance at all times

The GPS tracking system sends the current location of the vehicles every minute. Additional data such as speed and kilometres driven provide information on the potential for optimisation, especially in comparison with historical data. FMS data with driving style analysis shows ways to reduce costs by driving in a resource-saving manner. Should vehicles leave the defined geo-zones, DAKO Fleet sends an alert via SMS or email.

Reduce strain on drivers in the long term

Good drivers are hard to come by, and even harder to keep. When drivers feel supported in their work and tasks can be completed without much effort, this contributes to high employee retention. DAKO Fleet gives drivers easy-to-use tools that take the pressure off them every day.

Supporting drivers in complying with the law

In the DAKO drive app, drivers can keep track of their driving and rest times even when they are on the road. Driving licence and vehicle pre-checks can be carried out on the move at any time, and the records are automatically transferred to DAKO Fleet. Multilingual communication including automatic translation into 13 languages provides a direct line to the driver.

Quickly familiarise drivers with the system and relieve the burden of their daily work routine

The easy-to-use DAKO drive app quickly gets drivers up to speed, even with unfamiliar tasks. Vehicle pre-checks and driving licence checks can be carried out by drivers directly via the app, without much training required.

Save on paperwork…and the frustration that comes with it

With mobile vehicle pre-checks, misplaced defect reports or paperwork errors are a thing of the past. Instead of searching for messages in notes or various messenger apps, there is exactly one place where the control centre and the driver can exchange information. Thanks to automatic cost calculation, drivers do not have to worry about surcharges. With GPS data, a specific country’s regulations and other data are applied automatically and can be transferred to the payroll accounting system.


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+49 3641 22778 500


    From Mon-Fri 08.00 to 17.00 you can also reach us by phone under:

    +49 3641 22778 500